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Prince's movie legacy: Will there ever be another like 'Purple Rain'?

It feels strange to write an item about The Kid on the day he died.[1] But Prince was in many ways about immortality -- his music was timeless, his face never seemed to age -- so perhaps there's something apt about it too.

The Kid was, of course, the character Prince played in his 1984 musical-drama film "Purple Rain." The film told a story of a brash Minnesota musician with a rough domestic life and some contentious relationships at First Avenue, the club he called his creative home. As The Kid leads a group called the Revolution, there is much intra-band and inter-club squabbling -- partly owing to the Kid not giving female musicians their due (ironic given Prince's p reternaturally progressive tendency to do just that over the course of his career).

Source → Prince's movie legacy: Will there ever be another like 'Purple Rain'?

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