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Justice League Movie Adds Spider-Man Villain Actor as a Good Guy

Spider-Man and The Boondock Saints actor Willem Dafoe has joined the cast of Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder's upcoming Justice League movies, it was confirmed today. The Hollywood Reporter[1] has the details, saying Dafoe will play the part of a good guy in the action films.

His role is unconfirmed at this point, but we do know that he will fight alongside Batman (Ben Affleck), Superman (Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), the Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) in the film.

Dafoe is no stranger to superhero movies, as he played the evil Marvel character Green Goblin in the Spider-Man movies from Sam Raimi.

The Hollywood Reporter explains that Dafoe will appear in both parts of the Justice League film, the first of which is due out in November 17; the second half comes out in 2019. Production began last week.

In other Justice League news, JK Simmons recently talked about how his version of Commissioner Gordon may vary from Gary Oldman's take on him[2] in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.

What role do you think would be a good fit for Dafoe in the Justice League film? Let us know in the comments below!

Source → Justice League Movie Adds Spider-Man Villain Actor as a Good Guy

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