Tetris is one of the best-selling games in history. But does it have the makings of a hit movie?
The Tetris CompanyHow do you make a game about stacking blocks into a sci-fi thriller?
Tetris Company and a new joint venture called Threshold Global Studios hope to transform the 32-year-old hit game into a feature film set in China with Chinese actors.
This is exciting news for fans who first heard about Tetris becoming a movie in 2014[2]. Back then, "Tetris the Movie" was being funded by producer Larry Kasanoff's Threshold Entertainment Group.
Now Threshold Entertainment has teamed with Chinese media entrepreneur Bruno Wu's company Seven Star Works to make "Tetris the Movie" a $80 million China-US co-production under the new Threshold Globa l Studios, Deadline reported Tuesday[3].
Kasanoff knows a thing or two about reimagining video games as action films after producing the 1995 movie "Mortal Kombat."
The film is planned for production in China in 2017, Deadline reports.
This isn't the only retro video game headed to the big screen. Movies for both '80s Atari games Centipede and Missile Command[4] were announced last week.
- ^ Enlarge Image (www.cnet.com)
- < sup>^ Tetris becoming a movie in 2014 (www.cnet.com)
- ^ Deadline reported Tuesday (deadline.com)
- ^ Centipede and Missile Command (www.cnet.com)
- ^ 2016 movies to geek out for (pictures) (www.cnet.com)
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