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Alex Morgan tweets about poor accomodations in Kansas City - Contra Costa Times

In the National Womens Soccer League manual, there is rule 6.1.3 that specifies what kind of accomodations must be provided for players when they are on road trips. All hotels, it says, must be three stars.

The Adams Mark Hotel in Kansas City is listed as a three-star, but members of the Portland Thorns would dispute that.


    Morgan, the former Cal and current U.S. team star, complained of bed bugs and mold when they stayed there for a game against FC Kansas City. Tweeted Morgan, "@NWSL there's no other way to address continuing problems. Hotels have been unacceptable. For ex. :Bed bugs/mold @ Adams Mark Hotel in KC."

    Pay might be a bigger issue than bugs and mold. In a July story in Money Magazine, it was reported that top pay for NWSL players is $37,800, and some get less than $10,000. Major League Soccer players -- men -- average over $300,000 in salary, the magazine said.

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