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Movie Poster Round-Up: ‘Now You See Me 2,’ ‘High-Rise,’ ‘Amityville: The Awakening’

now you see me 2 5

What kind of movie poster are you in the mood for today? Maybe you're in the market for a clever horror poster for the latest Blumhouse release? If not that, then surely the steely gaze of a well-dressed Tom Hiddleston will make your day? If that's not your thing, there are always nine new posters featuring all kinds of movie stars dressed like magicians.

Yep, new posters for Amityville: The Awakening, High-Rise, and Now You See Me 2 has hit the internet today and we've collected them all below so you can peruse 'em at your own pace.

First up is the poster for Amityville: The Awakening, the latest film to take that legendary Long Island haunted house and place an innocent family in it. If you exclude all of the other films to latch onto that title, this is the 14th film in the loosely connected Amityville series and the fifth film in six years. And if we're going to be perfectly honest, these movies do not have a particularly stellar track record. However, this new one features a surprisingly strong cast (including Jennifer Jason Leigh) and direction from Franck Khalfoun, whose Maniac remake was an admirable and ambitious take on the serial killer movie. Even the poster makes it clear that this is a different take on seemingly tired material, presenting that infamous house in a 21st century context.

Meanwhile, the High-Rise poster is probably the least-ambitious poster for Ben Wheatley's unnerving satire, choosing to showcase the film's stellar cast (including Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller, Luke Evans, and Elizabeth Moss) above all else. It may not be something you want to put on your wall like past one-sheets[1], but it'll do.

And finally, we arrive at a large batch of character posters from Now You See Me 2, which showcase stars Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo, Lizzy Caplan, Daniel Radcliffe, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Dave Franco, and Jay Chou showing off some sweet duds while someone off-camera shouts "Now pose like you know how to do magic!" The original Now You See Me remains one of the most preposterous films in recent years, a film whose charming cast helped shield a screenplay so ludicrous that it falls apart the second you think about it for longer than two seconds. Since the sequel contains even more movie stars, we should start preparing our brains right now.

Amityville: The Awakening opens on April 1, 2016. High-Rise opens in the U.K on March 18, 2016 before arriving stateside later this year. Now You See Me 2 will open on June 10, 2016.


  1. ^ like past one-sheets (

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