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Milestone issues warning over Xbox One MotoGP 15 -

Milestone has warned players to expect "issues" with the Xbox One version of MotoGP 15 ahead of the game's release this Friday.

In a message issued yesterday, the developer said that recent tests had uncovered bugs "that could affect the quality of the gaming experience for players", and that it was scrambling to issue a patch as "close" to release as possible.

"With the latest tests, we noticed that the Xbox One version could be affected with some known bugs," Milestone VP Luisa Bixio said. "For this reason we're working really hard to bring a patch close to the Day1 release in order to fix all the possible issues and make the best experience for our players. As always our customer support is completely at players' disposal in the event of possible issues."

In spite of the problems, the Xbox One version will still go on sale this Friday alongside the PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game. has contacted publisher PQube for more information regarding the severity of the issues but has yet to receive a response.

Source: Milestone (via PQube)

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