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Movie Talk: Brie Larson Frontrunner for ‘Captain Marvel;’ Jake Gyllenhaal to Lead ‘The Division’

On this episode of Collider Movie Talk (June 2nd, 2016) Kristian Harloff, Jon Schnepp, Perri Nemiroff, Natasha Martinez discuss the following:

  • Opening this week (Brought to you by AMC Theatres)


Image via Universal Pictures

In an exclusive report from Variety, the Oscar winning actress of Room, Brie Larson, is in early talks to play Captain Marvel,[3] one of Marvel's most popular female superheroes, in the upcoming standalone movie Captain Marvel. Variety's report cautions that it is unknown where negotiations stand at this time, with sources saying Larson is Marvel's first choice for the role, and that she is leaning toward playing the part. THR then added to the report, mentioning two filmma kers as potential contenders[4] for the director's chair. They include Jennifer Kent who directed The Babadook and Niki Caro, who helmed Whale Rider. In each report it mentions that Marvel is planning on attaching an actress first, with the idea of introducing them in one of its upcoming films before Captain Marvel bows in theatres. Inside Out screenwriter Meg LeFauve and Guardians of the Galaxy Nicole Perlman are currently writing the script, which follows Carol Danvers, an air force pilot whose DNA is fused with that of an alien during an accident, giving her super powers. Captain Marvel is currently set for release on July 6, 2018.

Following record-breaking sales of their latest release in the Tom Clancy gaming series, Ubisoft is developing Tom Clancy's the Division as a feature length movie[5] with Jake Gyllenhaal attached to produce and star. Variety dropped the exclusive last evening saying the studio is now looking for a writer to pen the adaptation. Developed by Ubisoft, the third-person shooter is set in a dystopian New York City in the aftermath of a smallpox pandemic with "The Division," tasked with helping to rebuild operations in Manhattan. Ubisoft will package the project, possibly adding one more actor before taking it out to studios. It currently has Assassi n's Creed starring Michael Fassbender in post-production at Fox and New Regency as well as Splinter Cell starring Tom Hardy at Paramount.

suicide-squad-poster-socialWarner Bros released a set of off-beat Suicide Squad posters[6] centered on the team of super-powered (and insane) villains who are let out of lock-up for a mission that's guaranteed to get them killed. The posters feature two group shots and three character ones featuring Deadshot, played by Will Smith, Harley Quinn played by Margot Robbie and the Joker played by Jared Leto. Suicide Squad also stars Joel Kinnaman, Cara Delevingne, Jai Courtney, Viola Davis, Jay Hernandez, Karen Fukuhara, and Ike Barinholtz. The movie opens in theaters on August 5th.


In an exclusive premiere on, the first trailer has been released for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition[7], along with details on the Blu-ray and Digital HD releases. The Ultimate Edition features 30 minutes of new footage incorporated into an extended, R-rated cut of the film, and will be available early on Digital HD on June 28th along with the theatrical version of the movie, with both becoming available to purchase on Blu-ray and DVD on July 19th. The extended cut not only features brand new footage, but also entirely new characters that didn't appear in the theatrical cut of the film, including Jena Malone's mystery role. It runs 182 minutes in length and is Rated R for sequences of violence.

silicon-valley-tj-millerAccording to a report from THR, Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One adaptation has added Deadpool and Silicon Valley actor T.J. Miller[8] to the already impressive cast list that includes Tye Sheridan, Ben Mendelsohn, Mark Rylance , Simon Pegg and Olivia Cooke. THR states that Miller will be playing the character i-R0k, a terrible online forum troll. The story is set in the year 2044, and follows a teenager named Wade Watts who is the first person to discover a key left behind by the late OASIS creator James Halliday. After Halliday's death, a worldwide Easter Egg hunt ensues to find a hidden treasure that gives the discoverer control over OASIS—which, in this dystopian future, essentially means control over the world. Ready Player One is set to hit theatres on March 30th, 2018.

A new trailer has arrived for the action-thriller Collide starring Nicholas Hoult, which tells the story of an American tourist who winds up in trouble after a heist goes wrong, in which he was intending to pull in the money needed to give his girlfriend, played by Felicity Jones, a kidney transplant. He's now in a race against time to save her from a gang of thugs, led by Anthony Hopkins. The movie was shot way back in 2014 but got tied up in Relativity's bankruptcy troubles. The film is finally headed to theaters August 19th.


    Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping -  Childhood friends Conner (Andy Samberg), Owen (Jorma Taccone) and Lawrence (Akiva Schaffer) found fame and fortune after forming the hip-hop group the Style Boyz. Owen and Lawrence faded into the background when frontman Conner left the band to launch a successful solo career. Now, the egotistical singer decides to film a documentary about his life while he's still on top. When his second album flops, the camera is there to capture his world as it comes crashing down.


    Darwin Gomez writes

    Hello Collider crew, all the way from the Dominican Republic.

    After the poor reception of movies like The Huntsman: Winter's War and Alice Through The Looking Glass, both critical and financially talking, could it be that people are getting tired of major studios making a sequel to everything? Personally I don't think we need a Maleficent 2 or a sequel to Frozen, do you think there's a 'sequel fatigue' and if so, will it hurt very anticipated movies like Finding Dory at the box office?

    Thanks for taking the time and keep on doing a great show.

    Verona writes:

    Hey Movie Talkers,

    Have you ever laughed so hard in a movie theater that you fell off your seat? This happened to me when I saw the Hulk-Loki scene in Avengers and the guy next to me looked at me like I was crazy cause I couldn't get up for a few minutes. I'd like to hear any funny experiences like this if you've had any. Thanks!



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